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Instantly Everything Can Change  

Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. Acts 3:7  

I remember once when GOD had put very strongly in my heart to pray for a lady who had been suffering greatly for years from migraine headaches. This was early on when JESUS gave me understanding that it’s always HIS will to heal. After the HOLY SPIRIT gave me clarity concerning healing, miracles began to take place. I approached this lady and began to talk with her about healing. After I explained to her how GOD wants her to be healed and that HE is willing to heal her, I prayed for her. Before I even finished the prayer, it was as if a fire went through her body, and she was instantly delivered from migraine headaches! Only JESUS can do that, and HE alone gets all of the praise!  

Did you know that everything can change in your life in an instant? Where you had sickness, they can be healing. Where you have depression, there can be fullness of joy. Where you have fear, you can experience perfect love. Where you are troubled in your mind, there can be perfect peace. What I have noticed is that changes happen instantly many times when the HOLY SPIRIT reveals TRUTH on the inside of believers. The Bible says, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  

Action Point  

Search and find Bible Verses that are related to the situation or issue that you are facing. Pray and ask the HOLY SPIRIT to make it real to you. Pray and meditate on that TRUTH until there is a “knowing” or certainty in your heart. Then, by the HOLY SPIRIT, live out what the WORD says. Remember, we live by the WORD of GOD, by the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD! Let’s expect what only JESUS can do!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #revival #spiritualawakening