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Integrity Is Extremely Important  

Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property. With his wife’s full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles’ feet. Acts 5:1-2  

JESUS has blessed me to have great men of GOD as mentors in my life. The HOLY SPIRIT has taught me great lessons and Truths through the mentors that HE has brought into my life. They have all been men of great and supernatural integrity. As I have observed ministers and ministries, it seems that the ones who are most prosperous now are the ones who have maintained great integrity, who have followed the HOLY SPIRIT, and who have stayed focused on JESUS and the souls of people. Integrity is something that cannot be bought. At the core, integrity comes from our personal and intimate walk and relationship with the LORD JESUS CHRIST! My intense desire is to always be a man of GOD of great integrity.  

Can you be trusted? Are you honest when under pressure? Are you faithful when people are around? And are you faithful when you are alone? There are no shortcuts when it comes to walking in GOD’s purpose and plan for your life. Yes, we are free from sin, guilt, and shame. However, there is also a personal responsibility to let go of everything in the world in order to follow JESUS wholeheartedly and without compromise! If you desire to experience everything that GOD has for your life, you must be a person of great integrity!  

Action Point

Take a personal inventory of different areas of your life. Are you a person of great honesty and integrity? Are you faithful in all that GOD has given you to do? Make a decision today to be a person of great integrity. Even if no one around you is on your side, GOD will strengthen you and you will come out in victory! Now rejoice and go forth sharing the Good News of JESUS with someone today!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

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