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It All Starts With ONE!!!  

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 2 Timothy 1:6  

Are you the One that GOD has chosen to transform your family? Are you the One that GOD has chosen to transform your community? Are you the One that GOD has chosen to transform your City, State, Country, or Nation? All throughout history there has been One person or a group of Individuals that have chosen to make a stand and to do what JESUS had called them to do! Are you One of those Individuals?  

Yesterday was very special to me. My son and I stopped at a car wash where I have prayed with most of the employees. A lot of good people work there. It’s my favorite car wash to stop at. When we arrived, I noticed a young man that I had not talked with before. I talked with him and he has such great potential. By GOD’s grace, I was able to explain to him the Good News of JESUS, how he can go to heaven, and experience GOD’s best. He sincerely prayed to give his life to JESUS and experienced the power of GOD! Whether it’s one person at the car wash or a crowd of 100,000 people - every person represents one precious soul for whom JESUS died! And there needs to be at least One person to share this Wonderful News! All praise to JESUS!  


Make a Decision to do what JESUS has called you to do - no matter what! Then, get involved with a Local Body of Believers! Every one person has something extremely valuable to edify the believers and to help bring people to JESUS! GOD has gifted you, my friend! If you are uncertain about what JESUS has called you to do: pray and then seek counsel from someone that you know is in close relationship with JESUS and is known for giving wise counsel! Fan into flame the gift that GOD has given to you! You could be the One that GOD works through to being revival to your family!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain