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It’s Not Too Good To Be True - Everything That You Need Is In JESUS!  

in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Colossians 2:2b-3  

This past weekend was absolutely miraculous! We had the opportunity to pray with about 20 people to give their lives to JESUS in NYC! As we were sharing JESUS with people, we met a man by amazing Divine Appointment. He was helping his grandmother, who had prayed for him for many years. He was a smart man who just recently went through a very difficult situation. There had been thoughts of ending his life. By GOD’s grace, we prayed with him to give his life to JESUS and he had a radical encounter with The LORD! We explained to him that he can go to JESUS for everything because everything that we need is in HIM! It was amazing and JESUS gets all of the glory!  

Where do you go when you get sick? Where do you go when you need direction and wisdom? Where do you go when you don’t know what to do? Where do you go when you’re hurting inside? Do you go to a doctor, Google, YouTube, medication, etc.? My friend, the only PERSON THAT YOU NEED TO GO TO IS JESUS! EVERYTHING THAT YOU NEED IS IN HIM!  


Read this carefully! The Bible says, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” IT IS THE TRUTH THAT YOU KNOW THAT WILL SET YOU FREE! Know this today - JESUS HAS ALREADY GIVEN TO YOU EVERYTHING THAT YOU NEED! Whatever you need - go to JESUS, go to HIS WORD, speak only what The WORD says, and do what The HOLY SPIRIT leads you to do! It’s a great day! JESUS has great plans for you!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain