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JESUS Is Alive

After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. Acts 1:3

I went to the Store unexpectedly to get some Christmas Cards so that we could send them to family and friends. The order was not correct; however, JESUS knew why I needed to go to the store. While in the parking lot, I noticed a Postal Service worker that GOD put on my heart. I talked with him and he gave his life to JESUS! While in the store, a very nice young man helped to get the order corrected. We had a great conversation and he also gave his life to JESUS! JESUS is alive and HE knew when I should go, where I should go and that those two men needed HIM! When you mention the NAME of JESUS, the atmosphere changes! JESUS is alive!

If JESUS is alive, then every promise in the WORD of GOD is true! If JESUS is alive, you and I have GOD with us at all times! If JESUS is alive, every child of GOD has the HOLY SPIRIT and heaven is our eternal home! If JESUS is alive, we don’t have to fear anything or anyone at anytime! If JESUS is alive, we have victory over satan, sin, sickness, and self! If JESUS is alive, then we are forever victorious in HIM! I have Good News! The LORD JESUS CHRIST is alive and HE is GOD and HE is good!

Action Point

Make up your mind today to begin living like you know that JESUS is alive and with you at all times! Give every worry, every anxiety, every fear, every addication, every sin, every sickness, and every trouble to HIM. Stop for a moment today to rejoice and to worship the NAME of JESUS! Encourage and share JESUS with someone today! Miracles are available for you!

GOD bless you, my friend!