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JESUS Is Certainly Coming Again  

Heaven must receive him until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets. Acts 3:21  

As we were in the Airport, we were getting ready to board the plane. I noticed two ladies working at a vendor and I knew that Jesus wanted me to speak with them. I was able to buy something and then tell them how God had put them on my heart. They were precious. I prayed with them a prayer to give their lives to JESUS and then prayed for them. JESUS gets all of the praise! I don’t know if I will ever see them, but I do know that if they sincerely gave their lives to JESUS - then I will see them again in heaven one day! There is joy in knowing that JESUS is coming again and we are making the most of every opportunity that GOD gives us!  

Who has God put on your heart to share JESUS with? What job has God given to you where you share JESUS with the workers around you? As a child of God, the Holy Spirit desires to work through you to make Jesus known to the people around you! God has gifted you and can use you in a powerful way!  

Action Point  

Take your focus off of all the opposition and distractions that the enemy has tried to bring into your life. Rejoice that you belong to Jesus and the best is yet to come! Know that JESUS is coming again and now is the time for you to move forward making the most of the opportunities that GOD has given to you! JESUS loves you, is on your side and today is a day of victory!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #spiritualawakening #revival