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JESUS Is Still Working Miracles Today

In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. Acts 1:1-2

Just recently, my amazing dad and mom were visiting with us from North Carolina. We went to a nice Amish Market in NJ. After we parked, I noticed a lady that GOD very strongly placed on my heart. I started talking with her and her grandmother was also with her. The young lady was going through a season of transition and it was such a Divine Appointment. We started talking and then shortly after it was like we were having a Prayer Meeting in the parking lot. As I prayed, GOD spoke to me some things about her that she had not mentioned. They were amazed, as the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT was definitely there! I prayed for them, prayed with them a prayer of rededication to JESUS and GOD touched us all in a powerful way! All praise to JESUS!

The same JESUS WHO worked in the Gospel Accounts is the same JESUS working today! JESUS has not lost any power, authority or ability. HE is the same yesterday, today and forever! As a child of GOD, we must realize that the Book of Acts is available for us today. JESUS began to do and to teach in the Gospel Accounts. Now, JESUS is continuing to do and to teach through the you and me – throught the Body of CHRIST!

Action Point

How aware are you that JESUS desires to work through you to share Good News, to heal the sick, to cast out demons, and bless others everywhere HE sends you? You are not meant to be overcome. You are meant to overcome everything of the enemy and to walk in victory every day as you rely upon the HOLY SPIRIT within you! Ask GOD to bless someone through your life. Look around and pray for someone today! JESUS desires to live through you!

GOD bless you, my friend!