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JESUS Is Transforming Lives Today  

God has raised this Jesus to life, to which we are all witnesses. Acts 2:32  

While preaching at a Church one Sunday, a lady with lupus was completely healed. She went to the doctor and there were no signs of sickness. While I was driving to Church that morning, I noticed a young man walking on the sidewalk nearby the Church. GOD put on my heart to speak with him, so I got his attention. This precious young man ended up giving his life to JESUS! He is a new creation in JESUS CHRIST! JESUS is transforming lives today!  

Are you focused on the problems or difficulties around you? Or are you focused on sharing with others the ONE (JESUS) WHO can transform any life and any situation? There is so much power in a transformed life and JESUS is transforming lives today! If JESUS has transformed your life, it’s time for you to go out and bring that good news and healing to others! Freely we have received and freely we give!  

Action Point  

Has JESUS transformed your life? What are you waiting for? Look for opportunities to share with others what JESUS has done in your life. When you here people talking about the problems, change the subject and share with them how JESUS has solution! JESUS is transforming lives today and HE wants to transform lives through you!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#spiritualawakening #revival #souls