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Keep Learning  

Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord. Proverbs 8:34-35  

I love to learn! If you look at most of the men and women throughout history who have been used to transform cities, countries, and nations with the power of GOD - they have been big learners! I have learned so much from The HOLY SPIRIT by simply reading the WORD of GOD, spending time in prayer, and then being obedient to whatever JESUS has instructed me to do. I have also learned so much from The HOLY SPIRIT through mentors and men of GOD who have experienced specific TRUTHS that I have desired to experience. 3 people prayed to trust in JESUS, yesterday! Early on, I learned so much on evangelism from The HOLY SPIRIT when I was spending time with a mentor and friend! All praise to JESUS!  

Are you learning? Or have you become settled where you are? Are you believing for bigger miracles today? Are you more hungry for JESUS now than when you first started?  


Always remember - we can learn TRUTH (through) people - but we learn (from) The HOLY SPIRIT! GOD gets all of the glory! Pray and make a decision today to learn something new. Maybe it’s starting a New Bible Plan with a Commentary. Maybe it is learning how to share JESUS with people. Maybe it’s Calendar blocking your time in prayer with JESUS. Maybe it’s reading a biography of a man of GOD or a woman of GOD. Keep learning, be wise, and share JESUS with someone today!  

Evangelist Tyler Sain