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Keep Pointing All Praise To JESUS!!  

“Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will l rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. Psalm 91:14  

When you look at the lives of men and women of GOD who have started right, went right, and ended right - they all have something powerful in common. You see them frequently and consistently giving JESUS all of the praise! I believe that this is a mark of a true man or woman of GOD! Yesterday, I had an extremely busy day and I also wanted to be faithful with what GOD placed in my heart - by praying with at least one person every day. I got off of a Phone Call/Meeting and I knew that JESUS wanted me to talk with someone. I walked up to a truck driver and began talking with him. He prayed to give his life to JESUS and JESUS touched him in such a powerful way! All praise to JESUS!  

We must always remember that apart from JESUS we are nothing, can do nothing, and will be nothing. We can’t even exist apart from JESUS. However, with JESUS - “I can do all things through CHRIST WHO strengthens me.”  


Whatever blessing you receive - give all praise to JESUS! Whatever good takes place in or through your life - give all praise to JESUS! When someone praises what you have done - give all praise to JESUS! Then on the other side - if you have heard clearly from The LORD and you are walking in obedience to HIM - then let all of the criticism fall to the ground. Give JESUS all of the praise! Rejoice, my friend and be a blessing to someone today!  

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain