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Keep Rejoicing - Keep Winning Souls - JESUS Wins Our Battles!!!  

My enemies retreated; they staggered and died when you appeared. Psalm 9:3  

I stopped at a store recently and noticed an older lady that GOD put on my heart. We started talking and I was able to pray with her to trust in JESUS! She was amazed that she was even talking with me; however, I knew that The HOLY SPIRIT was there. Then, I noticed a young man across the parking lot. He was going through one of the most difficult seasons of his life. He prayed with me to give his life to JESUS! Not only that, but he also reached out to me to let me know how GOD has touched his family! All praise to JESUS!   Have you been facing opposition? In your family? At your job? In your mind? I have faced much opposition many times while sharing the Gospel. We can expect opposition when we are focused on JESUS and souls. However, the opposition should never slow us down - in fact, GOD can use it to make you stronger! JESUS has given you power and victory!  

Action Point

Be bold and take a stand against the enemy trying to hinder your life! Don’t slow down when opposition comes. The Bible says, “the righteous are bold as a lion.” I want to encourage every person that has a passion for sharing JESUS! Take your authority as a child of GOD, keep moving forward, keep rejoicing, keep winning souls - JESUS wins over every opposition! Nothing can stop what GOD is doing! Share JESUS and encourage someone today!  

Have an amazing day! GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain

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