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Keep Speaking The WORD  

When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them. Acts 4:24  

There have been so many miraculous testimonies this year already! By GOD’s grace, we launched LoveLight Church in Staten Island NYC in April. Many souls have been saved, multiple people have been miraculously healed, people have been baptized with The HOLY SPIRIT and Fire, and we are so blessed with the wonderful people that GOD has given us to serve HIM together! My wife’s mom arrived to America for the very first time! Our oldest son turned 3! My wife has become a permanent resident in the USA! We have multiple Evangelistic Events planned. We are believing GOD for a Great Spiritual Awakening! Something that we are very intentional about is ALWAYS SPEAKING WHAT THE WORD SAYS OVER EVERY SITUATION! All glory, honor, worship, and all praise goes to JESUS!  

Are you speaking The WORD? Or what you feel? Are you speaking what GOD says? Or what others say? Are speaking life? Or are you speaking negativity?  


The Bible is very clear that generally what we speak is an indication of what is in our heart! With our hearts, we believe. With our mouths, we confess. Whatever you are facing, read what The WORD says, speak what The WORD says, and do what The WORD says - as you rely on The HOLY SPIRIT! JESUS is The TRUTH! In faith, keep speaking and doing what The WORD says, and you will see your life align with GOD’s purpose and blessing upon your life!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain