Lean Into GOD’s GRACE

Rejoice always, 1 Thessalonians 5:16

Today, as I’m about to leave the house with all 3 boys, I notice 2 men working at the house across from us. GOD put them on my heart. By GOD’s grace, we always want to cultivate a life of rejoicing and praising JESUS for our boys! I brought them some waters and soon prayed with them to give their lives to JESUS! It was miraculous! We were about to leave and my oldest son (3 years old) said, “daddy we still have one water left that we need to give them”. I got him out of the car and he ran and gave the gentleman another water! We praise JESUS!

Are you rejoicing in the LORD or rehearsing your failures? Are praising or complaining? Are leaning into GOD’s GRACE or relying on your strength to figure everything out? GOD’s GRACE never runs out and JESUS desires that you come to HIM for everything!


Be alert today on how you tackle situations. Are you complaining and pointing at others? Or, are you rejoicing and encouraging others with solutions? When we complain, we remain in our current situation. When we praise, GOD raises us to live in victory over every situation! Don’t complain and remain. Praise and be raised in HIS GRACE!

GOD bless you!