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Let GOD Guide You!  

For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end. Psalm 48:14  

Have you ever planned something and then had to change your plans? Yesterday, I had made a reservation for a big box truck to pick up some furniture. I went to the 1st location and the truck had been damaged, so I could not rent it. I went to another location and someone else was about to leave with the truck. So, I ended up going to a 3rd location for the same reservation! I then made the reservation for next week and went home to get some work done. While my plans changed, I’m always available for wherever GOD guides! You know what happened? In the 3 locations, I was an able to pray with 9 different people to trust in JESUS! I was also able to pray for Divine Healing for 2 of those people! So many radical and unexpected encounters with GOD! All praise to JESUS!  

Have you had to change plans lately? Did things not work out as planned? Are you stuck in a rut of having to have things turn out in a certain way?  


One of the most important responsibilities for walking in the fullness of GOD’s plans for your life is to constantly be yielding to The HOLY SPIRIT! Always be open to the simplicity of being led and guided by GOD! Pray and spend time in The WORD of GOD! Get to a level of maturity where you hear GOD’s voice for yourself. Don’t get frustrated when things don’t go perfectly according to plan. Am I saying that we don’t plan? Absolutely not! The Bible is clear that we should be prudent. However, let GOD guide you in the expected and unexpected! And enjoy having fellowship with GOD - The LORD JESUS CHRIST - WHO spoke this world into existence!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain