Look Away From People - Find Everything In JESUS

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

As I was going about my morning today, GOD put on my heart to stop and talk to a young man walking beside the highway. I pulled into a parking lot, got his attention, and started a conversation. I found out some him and it was definitely a GOD-appointed meeting. He prayed to give his life to JESUS and I was able pray for him, his family and his future. JESUS is so Wonderful! HE always gets all of the praise!

Where are you going to find strength? Joy? Love? Direction? Acceptance? So many people make the mistake of looking to others for what they need and trying to place too high of expectations on others. Sometimes it’s a spouse, a friend, parents, or even children. However, every need is met in JESUS CHRIST!


Meditate on the TRUTH that JESUS is your PROTECTOR, your STRENGTH, and all of your HELP! If you have given your life to JESUS, you are fully and totally accepted by the KING of KINGS - our LORD JESUS CHRIST! Look at the relationships in your life. Look at how you can serve instead of being served. And, seek to be the example - even when others are not living in the way that they should. Everything that you need is in JESUS! Rejoice and win souls!

GOD bless you!