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Love JESUS - Love People - Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself!!  

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6  

There are so many sincere believers today who struggle intensely with false guilt and uncertainty. It is a common attack of the enemy to try and make believers feel guilty and to feel like GOD can’t use them. Join me in stepping on the enemy’s head today and walk in victory over all of the lies of the enemy. If you have given your life to JESUS - GOD has cleansed you, you are forgiven, you are clean, you are gifted, you are called, you are chosen, you are set apart, you are glorified, and you are destined to be like JESUS!  

I know of a man who used to help put Christians to death. He had an encounter with JESUS and it changed everything. His name was Saul and he eventually went by Paul. And, by the way, The HOLY SPIRIT worked through him to write much of the New Testament! I have talked with so many people of different ages who struggle with believing that GOD can use them in a powerful way - many have overcome and are being used powerfully and some are still hindered.  


If you have given your life to JESUS - HE has set you free! Look away from your past, look away from your failures - look away from trying to do everything perfect - and look into JESUS - for you are now made to be like HIM! Stop for a moment today. Focus on loving JESUS and loving people - it’s really that simple. The HOLY SPIRIT has empowered you to be like JESUS!  

Have an amazing SUNDAY! GOD bless you!!

Evangelist Tyler Sain