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Make The Most Of Today!  

The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me. Mark 14:7  

Recently, my son and I were taking care of some errands and it was a beautiful day. As we started, I was less encouraged than usual. As we drove, I prayed and the HOLY SPIRIT encouraged me in the LORD! As we went to get the oil changed in the SUV, there were 3 people that prayed to trust in JESUS! One nice man, who had previously turned down prayer, was now very receptive and prayed to trust in JESUS! When we went to the Car Wash, 5 people prayed to trust in JESUS! Then, when we stopped at the gas station on the way home, another young man prayed to trust in JESUS! I may never see them again - however, there is a great joy and peace in seeking to make the most of every day! All praise to JESUS!  

Are you making the most of every day? Are you living without fear of people and opinions of others? Are you looking for and taking hold of the opportunities that JESUS has placed in your life? GOD has amazing opportunities for you today!  

Action Point

No matter what your past looks like or how you feel today, spend time in prayer and read GOD’s WORD! Rejoice and take hold of the amazing opportunities that JESUS has placed in your life to be a blessing and to share HIS love with others! GOD has gifted you and can work through you in a powerful way!  

Let’s expect what only JESUS can do!

#AllJESUS #JESUS #moveforward #souls #revival #spiritualawakening #thebestisyettocome #keepmovingforward #Rejoice #Joy #love