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Meet And Pray

They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers. Acts 1:14

One of the biggest needs today is men and women who truly pray, seek GOD and obey what HE says! A.W. Tozer said, “To desire revival… and at the same time to neglect (personal) prayer and devotion is to wish one way and walk another.” In my own life, the greatest breakthroughs in my life have been in prayer and devotion to JESUS as being led by the HOLY SPIRIT! Many years ago when GOD has gripped by heart to go into Ministry, a mentor and I would pray together nearly every day and this transformed my life! Miracles and breakthroughs take place as we pray and obey!

How often do you pray to JESUS in a place of solitude and intimacy? How often do you talk to JESUS throughout the day and obey the promptings of the HOLY SPIRIT? If you want to walk with confidence, authority and power in JESUS each day, one of my biggest suggestions for you is to set a specific time out of every day and devote yourself to prayer, allowing no interruptions. And if you do not know where to start, begin reading in the Gospel acccoring to John and ask a GODly friend their suggestion.

Action Point

Take some time to evaluate your schedule to see how much time your are spending in prayer. Then, pray and think about someone or a group of people that you can possibly begin to pray with together. My friend, when you truly begin to pray and then talk to JESUS throughout the day, miracles will happen and your life will continually be transformed! Look around, rejoice and pray for someone today!

GOD bless you!