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Miracles Of Reading GOD’s WORD  

The Lord continued to appear at Shiloh, and there he revealed himself to Samuel through his word. 1 Samuel 3:21  

Recently, my son and I were together and we were running some errands. While we went to the car wash and the gas station, we were able to pray with about 7 people to trust in JESUS, including 2 precious children! It was absolutely amazing to what only JESUS can do! However, one of the main reasons why I have a great confidence that everywhere we go people will trust in JESUS is because GOD’s WORD is always true and will always be fulfilled! We are not standing on anything that we have done, we are standing on what GOD’s WORD teaches in true - by the HOLY SPIRIT!  

How often are you spending quality time in GOD’s WORD? How often are you looking at GOD’s WORD throughout the day? As a follower of JESUS CHRIST, everything that we need is found in GOD’s WORD! It’s important to not be distracted by spending too much of your time on social media and YouTube. Miracles take place when you encounter JESUS in HIS WORD!  

Action Point

Pray and have a strategic plan of reading and praying GOD’s WORD every day. Set a time each day where you can talk to JESUS and think about HIS WORD! The more you do this - it will radically transform your life. Pray and ask the HOLY SPIRIT to help you understand GOD’s WORD and to help you apply it to your daily life. Remember this, we live by the WORD of GOD and by the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD! May this day be a miraculous day to you as you bless someone today!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

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