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Move From Asking To Appropriating!!  

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Ephesians 1:3  

It was such a blessing to go and share JESUS yesterday with 3 powerful preachers (our 3 boys)! It was so miraculous everywhere we went yesterday as people are desperate for JESUS! We went to a gas station and 3 men prayed to give their lives to JESUS! We stopped at a car wash and a precious Christian lady was encouraged so much as we prayed for her - as her husband had passed about a year ago. Then, when we stopped to get something to eat - a very nice young man prayed to dedicate his life to JESUS and was touched in a powerful way! All praise to JESUS!  

Do you realize all that GOD has given to you in JESUS CHRIST? Do you understand all that you have by The HOLY SPIRIT living in you? Are you constantly asking GOD for something that HE has already given to you? Sometimes our prayers are sincere (and that’s great); however, sometimes they are not Biblically correct. My friend, we have been blessed with EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSING in CHRIST!  


Pray. Do you best to schedule a time each day where you read The Bible, apply The Bible, and do what The Bible teaches in reliance upon The HOLY SPIRIT! It is a joy to know that everything that we need has been given to us in JESUS CHRIST! However, it’s so important to read the Bible with understanding to know what has been given to us! A great resource that I would recommend on the Topic of Healing and additional Topics is a Book called: “CHRIST The HEALER” by F.F. Bosworth. You can also listen to the Chapters for free on YouTube! Start walking in what GOD has given to you!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!!

Evangelist Tyler Sain