My Prayer On This National Day Of Prayer

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

On this National Day of Prayer in America, my prayer is for a genuine revival and spiritual awakening resulting in great unity in the true Church and the greatest harvest of souls in history! The only way to a changed Nation is with changed people - and the only ONE WHO can change the human heart is our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST! The Good News is - “but where sin abounded, grace overabounded,” GOD is not done with America!

In 1904, the Welsh Revival resulted in 200,000 people coming to JESUS in about 4 months. In proportion, if the same results took place today in America, it would be like 33.5 million people being saved in 4 months. Signs, wonders and miracles took place and the Gospel spread to many more countries! Nothing is difficult for our LORD JESUS!


Say YES to JESUS and take hold of HIS Grace to share the Good News of JESUS and to live a life of prayer - like never before! Always remember -  nothing has caught GOD by surprise. You are more ready now than ever before. We are approaching one of the greatest harvests of souls in all of History! And, our LORD JESUS CHRIST will get all of the glory!

Have a great day of prayer! GOD bless you!