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Never Ever Stop  

Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah. Acts 5:42  

GOD has used this Scripture to transform my life for many years. I just recently stopped at a gas station. I had a great conversation with a young man who was working. I could tell that he was desperate for GOD’s direction in his life. I prayed with him to give his life to JESUS! Then, near the store area of the gas station, GOD put on my heart to talk to another man who was about to leave. He was overwhelmed and amazed! I prayed for him. Then, I was able to pray with him a prayer to dedicate his life to JESUS! I never ever want to stop talking about JESUS and telling people about him - until JESUS takes me home! JESUS gets all of the praise!  

Sharing JESUS and evangelism is not a once a week or a once in a while type of work. Sharing JESUS is a lifestyle available for every Christian and follower of JESUS CHRIST! Not only is this lifestyle available, it is greatest work that we can be involved here upon the earth because it is GOD’s work! There is not greater life than living completely for JESUS CHRIST, the souls of people and doing exactly what GOD has called you to do - by the working of the HOLY SPIRIT!  

Action Point

What would happen if you started living a lifestyle of sharing JESUS every day? What would happen if you consistently shared JESUS with your family, your friends, your co-workers, and with different people that GOD brings into your life each day? An intense desire of my heart is that you and all of us experience the love, joy, peace, and presence of the HOLY SPIRIT by completely living for JESUS and the souls of people! GOD can use you in a powerful way, my friend!  

GOD bless you!

#evangelism #JESUS #pray #souls #revival