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Never Get Too Busy  

Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” So they called to the blind man, “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.” Mark 10:49  

Something so powerful that we see in Scripture is that JESUS was never too busy to heal hurting people. In fact, by seeking and saving the lost, HE was fulfilling what The FATHER sent HIM to do! Yesterday, I had all 3 boys with me. I love to take them with me to get things done and to win souls! We stopped at the car wash and JESUS put on my heart 3 different people. As we parked, I got out to speak with them. I talked with an older man, a younger man, then a middle-aged woman. Every person was such a Divine Appointment. I prayed with each person to trust in JESUS and also for specific areas of their lives! I believe that GOD has great plans for their lives! It was absolutely miraculous and JESUS gets all of the glory!

How busy are you? Are you so busy that you are missing miraculous Divine Appointments from The LORD?  


Pray. Get your schedule organized according to your priorities. Think about ways that you can encourage believers and share JESUS with the people around you. Think about ways that you can give to others. Now, be on the lookout and expect GOD to use you to bless others today! Stay focused on what JESUS has called you to do and winning souls!  

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain