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Never Stop Sharing JESUS!  

Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah. Acts 5:42  

It was such an amazing week last week and this past weekend. It was an honor to preach and teach at Summit International School of Ministry, to share JESUS on Saturday with Saturday Evangelism, and to have another Pre-Launch Sunday Church Service. There was such an outpouring of The HOLY SPIRIT, many having an encounter with JESUS, and souls saved! On Monday, there was such an attack of the enemy by what seemed to be a stomach virus. I started confessing the WORD and I am 100% now. Regardless of what was going on, I needed to stay committed to GOD in sharing JESUS or praying with at least 1 person every day. Someone came to the door trying to sell something. When I heard this, I knew that it was a GOD-given opportunity! He prayed to trust in JESUS and it was a powerful testimony! JESUS gets all of the praise!  

What challenges are you facing right now? Maybe a battle in your mind? Maybe difficultly at your job? I want to encourage you. Never stop sharing JESUS! There is life in doing what GOD has called us to do!  


Wherever you are today, make a decision to share the love of JESUS with at least one person. Maybe at your job? Maybe at the grocery store? Maybe at the gym? Maybe over the phone? Don’t let anything stop you from sharing the Amazing News of The LORD JESUS CHRIST! It is the power of GOD that can give someone eternal life!  

Have an amazing day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain