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Never Underestimate What JESUS Can Do Through A Child  

Then Paul called one of the centurions and said, “Take this young man to the commander; he has something to tell him.” Acts 23:17  

There is an amazing story around the time of the Welsh Revival of 1904. In a classroom setting, a young boy of about 4 years old raised his hand to speak to the teacher. When the teacher called on him, he asked, “Do you love JESUS?” Some may think that was just something cute. However, it hit this teacher in the heart. She ended up giving her life to JESUS and served most of the rest of her life as a Missionary to India! This is what the HOLY SPIRIT can do through a 4 year old. All glory to JESUS!  

Do you have children? Do you have nieces or nephews? Has JESUS given you a burden to see children used by GOD? My friend, I believe with all of my heart that what JESUS is going to do through children in this coming Spiritual Awakening and Revival is going to astound people! I believe that people will be saved, healed, and baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT by GOD working through even children!  

Action Point

What are you speaking to your children? How are you encouraging the children in your life? Pray and ask the HOLY SPIRIT to cause you to always be a strong example of following JESUS to children. Whenever you see children, speak life into them and help them to believe that with GOD all things are possible! Encourage them that JESUS can use their life to touch multitudes! Share JESUS with someone today!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#JESUS #spiritualawakening #revival