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Nothing Can Stop What JESUS Is Doing!  

But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. John 16:7  

My friend, if you have given your life to JESUS CHRIST, you have so much to be rejoice and be glad about! You are an abundantly blessed person! We can celebrate every day that JESUS died in our place on the Cross, HE has forgiven all sin, HE was buried, but HE defeated death, hell, the grave, and every enemy! JESUS rose from the dead! JESUS is alive today! JESUS is with us always! JESUS IS GOD! And if GOD be for us, who can be against us? People are giving their lives to JESUS every day! All praise to JESUS!  

My friend, I want to urge you with everything in me to take very serious what GOD has called you to do! And I want to urge you with everything in me to share JESUS with others like you never have before! Time is short and we must run like never before - relying completely upon the HOLY SPIRIT!  

Action Point

Meditate on the TRUTH today that GOD has sent the HOLY SPIRIT to live in you! The real “you” is not who you used to be. The real you is WHO JESUS is in you and through - by the HOLY SPIRIT! Take a moment to rejoice and thank JESUS for WHO HE is and all that HE has done! Share JESUS with someone today!  

JESUS loves you! GOD bless you!

#JESUS #revival #spiritualawakening #souls #encouragement #motivation #Christian #JESUSistheway #dontquit #soulwinning #evangelism #enoughisenough #AllJESUS