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Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. Psalm 47:1  

It is so wonderful to see what has been taking place at Asbury College! However GOD chooses, I pray that multitudes of believers are set on Fire by The HOLY SPIRIT! And it’s also so important to realize that there are great moves of GOD happening in many locations throughout the world. WE ARE LIVING IN ONE OF THE GREATEST DAYS OF HARVEST IN HISTORY! About 7 years ago, JESUS put on my heart to not let an entire day go by without sharing the Good News or praying with at least one person. Yesterday, I ran some errands with our boys and then we went to the park. It was amazing - as we were able to pray with a lady at the dry cleaners and a young man at the grocery store to trust in JESUS CHRIST as LORD and SAVIOR!  

My friend, please - please - please stop hesitating - and move forward doing what GOD has called you to do! NOW is the time! This is an urgent season and JESUS can use every believer in such a powerful way!  


Write down anything that you know has tried to hold you back. (Fear, unforgiveness, a sinful habit, a time-wasting habit, a wrong relationship, a wrong attitude, jealousy, envy, hurt from the past, etc.) Confess it, turn from it, confess that JESUS has forgiven you, yield quickly to The HOLY SPIRIT, and move forward rejoicing doing what GOD has called you to do! NOW IS THE TIME! Don’t wait until everything is “perfect” or until everyone “agrees”. Do what JESUS has called you to do! Rejoice and live in full flame!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain