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One Of The Greatest Life-Changers  

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2  

One of the greatest blessings in my life is being able to talk to JESUS anytime and at all times, and to know that GOD always answers prayer! I remember once while in NYC, GOD put on my heart to speak with a man who was making a delivery. I always want to be in prayer and led by the HOLY SPIRIT. I started a conversation with him and he was doing through a very challenging time in his life. He was having suicidal thoughts. We talked, prayed and JESUS touched him a powerful way! I prayed with him to dedicate his life to JESUS and his life was transformed! This came through consistently being in prayer and being led by the HOLY SPIRIT! Only JESUS can do that!  

Are you spending time in the WORD of GOD and in prayer each day? Are you going throughout the day in prayer? Do you have conversation with the HOLY SPIRIT? If you want to live a supernatural, victorious, miraculous life, and experience all that GOD has for you - it can only come by consistent prayer and relationship with JESUS CHRIST!  

Action Point

Take an honest evaluation of how you are spending the time each day. How much time are you spending reading the Bible? How much time are spending in prayer? How often do you pray in the SPIRIT? How often are you in conversation with JESUS throughout the day? Then, how much time are you spending online, on social media and on YouTube? This is very important! Make a decision to be a man or woman of prayer - and experience everything that GOD has for your life!

GOD bless you, my friend!

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