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Opportunities In The Opposition  

We had previously suffered and been treated outrageously in Philippi, as you know, but with the help of our God we dared to tell you his gospel in the face of strong opposition. 1 Thessalonians 2:2  

I always love hearing the story of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke choosing to follow what JESUS had instructed him to do - in the face of great opposition. The missionary organization that he was a part of from Germany did not want him to do things differently than the other missionaries. However, the HOLY SPIRIT showed him a blood washed Africa and instructed him for what he must do. Reinhard Bonnke had to follow the vision from the HOLY SPIRIT! In the face of great opposition, he resigned from that missionary organization and did what GOD call him to do. The result is astounding! Over 80 million registered decisions for the LORD JESUS CHRIST and miracles happening throughout the world! All praise to JESUS!  

Let me say this plainly! If you are doing what GOD has called you to do - you Will face great opposition. Sometimes intense battles in your mind, in relationships, in demonic attacks from the enemy, and even sometimes from those close to you. However, never lost heart! JESUS is greater than all opposition and HE will see you through in great victory!  

Action Point

Pray, take a deep breath, and know that this is a season of victory as you rely on the HOLY SPIRIT! Don’t focus on pleasing people or the opinions of those around you. Stay focused on JESUS CHRIST, live for the souls of people, and do only that which the HOLY SPIRIT has instructed you to do! Rejoice, my friend! With JESUS - the battle is already won!!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

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