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Part Of Living The CHRISTIAN Life Is Speaking The CHRISTIAN Life  

Come and hear, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me. I cried out to him with my mouth; his praise was on my tongue. Psalm 66:16-17  

Mondays are great as it’s a family day and a day when we get some errands done as the rest of the week is extremely busy! Our oldest son and l went to the gas station, the dry cleaners, the car wash, and the grocery store. It was amazing as GOD had so many wonderful Divine Appointments lined up! We prayed with someone at nearly every location. We prayed with 7 different people and it was so amazing to see people having an encounter with JESUS! However, if I wouldn’t have spoken, I would have missed all of those amazing opportunities to share the Good News of JESUS! JESUS gets all of the praise!  

Are you speaking about JESUS throughout the day? Are you singing and worshipping JESUS aloud throughout the day? Or are you staying silent? Are you fearful of people around you? My friend, now is not the time to stay silent! Now is the time to be sharing the Good News of JESUS boldly and with great compassion!  


Make a decision to live a life of boldness and without fear! Praise JESUS throughout the day! Never be hesitant or fearful to pray at anytime - no matter who is around you! Speak and share the Good News of JESUS with those around you - no matter what the cost! Speak what the WORD says - not what the world says! My friend, speak forth life and encouragement to those around you today! And speak life to yourself!  

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain