TITLE: Powerful and Practical

So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. Matthew 6:31-32

Do you worry about the needs of your life and family? Do you worry about having enough food, money, or clothing? Do you stay up late trying to figure everything out? My friend, JESUS is not only Powerful and Miraculous, HE is also Practical. When someone needed food, HE fed them. When someone needed healing, HE healed them. When we needed to be saved, HE saved us! JESUS is the Same yesterday, today and forever.

I was driving about 45 minutes away from where I lived. As I was driving, I noticed a young man walking on the side of the road. GOD put on my heart to go back and talk with him. I pulled over and approached him. He was going through one of the most challenging times in his life. He was facing a difficult situation in his family. He needed a ride home. I shared with him the love and grace of JESUS. He prayed to give his life to JESUS and also made it home safely!


Begin today having a consistent time of prayer each day. Express your heart to JESUS and know that HE will provide. Surround yourself with a loving Church family who want GOD’s best in your life and who are walking in victory themselves. My friend, JESUS is powerful and practical - HE will meet your needs!

GOD bless you!