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Praise GOD! People Are Being Saved!  

praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:47  

Just recently, I stopped at a gas station. As I went, I began to praise JESUS and to encourage myself in the LORD! I then parked the car closer to the store. As I got out of the car, GOD instantly put very strongly to speak to a man that was walking to the store. We started talking and it was amazing! He had been having thoughts about GOD and a relationship with HIM. By GOD’s grace, I was able to share with him the Good News of JESUS. This man sincerely prayed to give his life to JESUS! Only GOD can do that!  

When is the last time when you truly went forth praising the LORD JESUS? I’m not talking about just saying a short prayer and saying thank you LORD. I’m talking about singing, rejoicing, lifting up your voice, lifting up your hands, and shouting unto the LORD. When is the last time you truly praised the LORD? There is so much power in sincere praise to the LORD and that joy actually draws people to JESUS!  

Action Point  

Wherever you are, take a moment today to give a big shout of praise to JESUS and to encourage yourself in the LORD. Don’t let your emotions bring you down. Don’t let your feelings bring you down. Don’t let what someone said bring you down. Don’t let any attack from the enemy bring you down. My friend, if you are in sincere relationship with JESUS CHRIST – you are on the winning side! JESUS defeated every enemy! Your name is written in heaven! The HOLY SPIRIT lives within you! The enemy is under your feet! Lift up your voice and praise JESUS throughout the day!

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #revival #spiritualawakening