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Pray The Solution And Not The Problem  

Therefore let all Israel know with certainty that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ!” Acts 2:36  

During the Welsh Revival around 1904-1905, a young man name Evan Roberts was used of GOD to help bring forth revival in a more powerful way that Wales had probably ever seen before. He was only about 26 years old and some of the more well-known preachers of the day were coming to here him preach as he was anointed of the HOLY SPIRIT. He prayed for revival to come for about 13 years. About 70000 people were saved within the first 2 months of the revival. Over 150,000 people were saved during the revival and people are still being impacted today. It was something that only JESUS could do! Evan Roberts was not praying the problem; he was praying the solution. JESUS is the solution!  

When you pray, are you looking at the problem or are you looking at the solution (JESUS and HIS WORD)? So often when people pray, they keep on stating the current condition instead of being focused on GOD WHO can bring solution to any condition. As a child of GOD, it is important that we are praying what the WORD says. If the Bible says that I’m healed, then I’m healed. If the Bible says that I have joy, then I have joy. If the Bible says that I am more than a conqueror, then I am more than a conqueror. I am what the WORD says I am, and I have what the WORD says I have.  

Action Point  

What challenge are you facing today? What problem has you down or discouraged? My friend, go and see what the WORD says and let the HOLY SPIRIT refresh you and fill you with confidence and joy. My suggestion is to go to the WORD and prayer first. Don’t go to a new station, social media, or another person. Go to JESUS and begin to pray the solution. I join you in believing for you to have great clarity on how to move forward doing what GOD has called you to do!  

GOD bless you!     

#souls #spiritualawakening #revival