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Protect Your Heart  

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23  

It’s so important for the body of CHRIST to continually stay focused doing what JESUS has sent us to do! One of the ways that we do this - is being wise in what we watch, listen to, and allow into our lives. Yesterday, I needed to get some work done around the house and needed gas for the lawn mower. The HOLY SPIRIT led me to a specific gas station. It was a miraculous Divine Appointment. I was able to pray with a man in another vehicle to give his life to JESUS! He was touched and GOD’s timing is so amazing. I was then able to pray with a young man who has great potential concerning what GOD can do through his life. Sharing JESUS and living to see souls come to JESUS helps to guard my heart from distractions. All praise to JESUS!  

What are you watching? Who or what are you listening to? How are you spending your time? Who and what have you allowed into your life that influences you? It is extremely important that we are constantly being led of The HOLY SPIRIT and being wise with what influences our lives!  


LOOK at these 4 areas of your life. What are you listening to most? What are you watching most? What are you spending the majority of your time doing concerning work or ministry? With whom are you spending those most time? NOW is the time to guard and protect your heart so that you will be used by JESUS to bless many people! Make a decision today to live holy, full of joy, and led by The HOLY SPIRIT!  

Have an amazing day! GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain