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As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. James 2:26  

I remember a time years ago when the HOLY SPIRIT had made real to me the TRUTH of Divine Healing. As I was working in a Church Office, GOD had put on my heart to pray for someone who had been dealing with migraine headaches. Towards the end of the day, I talked with this friend and prayed for her. I shared some from the WORD concerning healing. As I began to pray for her, the Fire of GOD went through her and she was healed. The faith that GOD had placed in me led me to action! We have seen so many testimonies since then. All praise to JESUS!  

It’s so important that we are not only hearers of the WORD, but that we are also speakers of the WORD and doers of the WORD! If we really believe what the BIBLE says, we will be led to action!  


If you believe that it’s GOD’s will to save the lost, are you telling others about JESUS? If you believe that it’s GOD’s will to heal, are you laying hands and praying for the sick? If you believe that it’s GOD’s will that we walk in freedom, are you walking in freedom and helping others to do the same? Don’t go by the religious traditions of man. Read the WORD, rely on the HOLY SPIRIT, and do what the WORD says!  

Rejoice, my friend! JESUS can use you!!

Evangelist Tyler Sain

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