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Rebuke The Fear And Move Forward!  

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Dueteronomy 31:6

Life is way too short to live in fear! I remember when I was young (around 21) and shortly after GOD had touched my life in a supernatural way - that I still struggled with fear. I was fearful of the opinions of others and fearful of failing. After seeking the LORD for some time, I had a radical encounter with The HOLY SPIRIT and I have never been the same! 3 people prayed to give their lives to JESUS yesterday! If you look at the lives of men and women who have been greatly used of GOD, it seems that nearly every person yielded to The HOLY SPIRIT and walked in victory over fear! All praise to JESUS!  

Are you struggling with fear? Are you fearful about the opinions of others? What has GOD called you to do? My friend, now is the time to command that demonic fear to leave and to begin moving forward in freedom doing what JESUS has called you to do!  


KNOW that the demonic fear trying to hold you back is NOT from GOD! Take the authority that you have in JESUS CHRIST and command it to go! It is not a part of your life! Ask GOD to fill you fresh and anew with The HOLY SPIRIT and be obedient to what you know that JESUS has instructed you to do! Live in victory! Rejoice and bless someone today!  

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain