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Remember These 5 Words

Arise, Lord! Deliver me, my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. From the Lord comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people. Psalm 3:7-8

There have multiple times in my life where there has been an intense battle that comes against my mind and my life. However, it’s so important that we know where the battle is coming from. When I was about 21 years old and I knew that JESUS was working in my life in a powerful way, I had an intense fear that came upon my life. I was afraid of what people may think, how people may react or what may happen, if I start sharing the Good News of JESUS like I so badly wanted to. After a season of spending time in prayer and seeking GOD, I was watching a past Billy Graham Classic Crusade on the TV. I got down on my stomach and began to cry out for JESUS to use me. It seemed like the HOLY SPIRIT came into the room, touched me and since around that time I have never been the same! The fear left and thousands of precious people have prayed to give their lives to JESUS! Only JESUS can do that!

It is so important to understand that battles will come. It is also more important to understand that “from the LORD comes deliverance”. Always remember that it is not a matter of you working up enough strength or doing everything just right that will bring the victory. It is a matter of trusting JESUS and yielding to the HOLY SPIRIT in every area of your life! Many times, GOD will allow a battle in your life in order for you to walk in a specific Truth and experience HIM in a greater way!

Action Point

What challenge are you facing today? What area of your life do you need to walk in victory? My encouragement to you is to shut off every voice and every distraction that is not from JESUS and HIS WORD. Take a season to pray, read the Bible, wait upon the LORD, and if needed get Godly counsel. You will be amazed at what JESUS will do! Encourage someone today! Remember, “from the LORD comes deliverance”!

GOD bless you, my friend!