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Remind Others Of What GOD Has Done!

Do you still not understand? Don’t you remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered? Matthew 16:9

We just recently celebrated my wife being in America from India for 13 years! It’s been miraculous what JESUS has done! I was recently talking with a Mentor and Pastor of over 50 years. It’s so wonderful to be reminded of what JESUS has done! A couple of days ago, I was at Walmart and a mother and young boy stopped as I was praying for another brother. I was able to pray with 2 people to trust in JESUS! And the mother told me about how critical her mother was for her faith! It’s so amazing to be reminded of what JESUS has done! JESUS gets all of the glory!

When we begin to face a challenge, there is a temptation to forget what JESUS has done and to begin focusing on the problem. My friend, there are no challenges for JESUS and we need to get all of our focus on HIM and be reminded of all that HE has done! JESUS is truly the same yesterday, today and forever!

Action Point

Are you facing a challenge? Do you know someone that is discouraged and depressed? Take a moment, pray and be reminded of what JESUS has done! This challenge and every challenge is Never a challenge for JESUS! If you have given your life to JESUS, then declare today: “I am in JESUS, HE is in me, and I am walking through this day in victory as more than a conquer.”

Rejoice, my friend! Encourage someone! Walk in victory today!

GOD bless you!!

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