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Revival Again  

Those who embraced his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to the believers that day. Acts 2:41  

There is no doubt that we are in desperate need for a true revival in America and throughout the world. There have been great revivals in the past which have seen thousands of people saved, societies transformed and JESUS glorified! To list some: The Welsh Revival of 1904-05, The First Great Awakening in 1734-43, The Second Great Awakening in 1800-40, The Azuza Street Revival of 1906, The Post WWII Revival around 1947-48, The Charismatic Renewal and JESUS Movement in the 1960s and 70s, etc. I believe we are approaching one of the Greatest Spiritual Awakenings that has ever been in history! There won’t be people getting the glory, but the LORD JESUS CHRIST will get all of the glory and multiplied millions will be saved and given to JESUS!  

How desperate are you for revival to take place in your life, your family, your county, your state, and your nation or country? As I have studied revivals of the past, they have all seemed to have these 3 components. 1. A great return of GOD’s people to prayer (individually and collectively). 2. A great return to evangelism and soul-winning. 3. An understanding of the work of the HOLY SPIRIT and the New Covenant. The intense prayer of my heart is that we see another Great Spiritual Awakening and a great harvest of souls given to JESUS!  

Action Point

Are you experiencing revival in your life? As GOD to fill you with the HOLY SPIRIT and bring revival to your life. Observe these 3 areas in your own life. Have you given yourself to prayer and obeying the voice of GOD? Have you given yourself to JESUS and to GOD’s work of souls coming to HIM? Do you have a clear understanding of the HOLY SPIRIT’s work in your life and of the New Covenant? Are you aware that JESUS lives in and through you? Let’s join together and pray for a revival and a great harvest of souls given to JESUS!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #revival #spiritualawakening