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Run Now - Don’t Hold Back  

As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. John 9:4  

We were visiting with some friends in Pennsylvania. We were almost where they lived, and I noticed a young man in a Delivery van. GOD instantly put him on my heart and I got his attention. We started talking and tears came to his eyes. He was going through a very difficult season in his life. I shared with him how JESUS could change everything! He gave his life to JESUS and I prayed with him to receive the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire! JESUS touched him in such a powerful way! Even though we had went to visit with friends - JESUS and souls are always priority! All praise to JESUS!  

Are you sharing JESUS with your family? Are you sharing JESUS with your friends? With your neighbors? With those at work? With those at school? While you travel? In the grocery store? At the gym? Over the phone? If you are not, then why not? What is stopping you from being a bold witness of the LORD JESUS CHRIST?  

Action Point

My friend, read this carefully. Time is short! We must run now and share the Good News of JESUS CHRIST everywhere GOD sends us! There will come a time when you will never be able to share the Good News again with hopes that someone will be saved. Get your focus off of everything that is not eternal. Get your focus on JESUS, prayer and souls! This will bring great joy and great eternal rewards!  

Run now - don’t hold back!!

Evangelist Tyler Sain

#AllJESUS #JESUS #moveforward #souls #revival #spiritualawakening #thebestisyettocome #keepmovingforward #Rejoice #Joy #love