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Run Now - Don’t Wait  

“With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all” Acts 4:33  

My son and I were spending the day together. We went out to get some things done and also to share the Good News of JESUS with those whom GOD would bring into our lives. As we stopped at the gas station, there were 2 young men with great potential. I talked with them and expressed to them that JESUS can use them in a powerful way. They both gave their lives to JESUS! They had a powerful encounter with GOD! We also stopped at the car wash. By GOD’s grace, 2 workers there gave their lives to JESUS! There are so many precious people who desperately want to know JESUS! It’s not the time to wait! It’s the time to run now! JESUS gets all of the praise!  

What has GOD placed in your heart to do? What are you waiting for? Are you listening to the opinions of others? Are you waiting for a “perfect” situation? Is fear holding you back? My friend, I plead with you to do what JESUS has called you to do! If you have heard from the LORD, that settles the issue. Don’t wait - run now! Many lives could be impacted and transformed by what the HOLY SPIRIT does in and through your life!  

Action Point

Take a moment today to meditate and pray about what you know GOD has called you to do. Seek the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT to see what the next steps are in fulfilling what JESUS has placed in your heart. Don’t wait for the “perfect” situation. Don’t seek the approval of everyone around you. Make a decision to follow the HOLY SPIRIT - no matter what the cost. GOD will work through your life to transform lives in a powerful way. Run now! Don’t wait!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#revival #souls #spiritualawakening