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Someone Has To Get Up And Speak

Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. Acts 2:14

This week I stopped at a gas station in NJ. As I was there GOD put three specific people on my heart. I prayed with a man who was putting gas in our SUV. I pray with another employee that was working in that area. Then, there was a lady who was parked near that area where you can add air to the tires. I asked if I could pray for her. She said to please pray for peace in her life. By GOD’s grace, in one stop at the gas station, I was able to pray with 3 precious people to trust in JESUS CHRIST as LORD and SAVIOR and I was also to pray for them all as well! Only JESUS can do that! However, none of that would’ve happened if I wouldn’t have spoken with them. As led of the HOLY SPIRIT, I spoke with three precious people who desperately needed JESUS!

The Bible says in Romans 10:14, “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” As a children of GOD, JESUS desires to speak through us the Good News and life to the people around us! When is the last time that you spoke to someone a word of encouragement that lifted them up? When is the last time when you spoke to someone about JESUS? Can you remember a time when you spoke up when you knew the situation was not right and GOD put on your heart to say something to bring Truth to the situation?

Action Point

I have a challenge for you. See if you can go throughout your day today and speak about JESUS at least once in every conversation. This is the season to shake off all fear, insecurity and timidity. This is a season for you to rely upon the HOLY SPIRIT and go forth sharing JESUS everywhere HE sends you! JESUS is the Best person that you can bring into any conversation! Now is the season for you to make a stand for the Gospel and to speak Truth in love! Rejoice my friend and be sure to share JESUS with someone today!

GOD bless you!