Something That I Love To Hear Every Day!

And in that place many believed in Jesus. John 10:42

Yesterday was such a miraculous day! At different places and over the phone, I had the opportunity to pray with 3 people to give their lives to JESUS! One of the most touching experiences was talking to a man in another country. He gave his life to JESUS over the phone and was so shaken that he could hardly talk! JESUS touched him and saved him when he is about 20 hours away by plane! Everywhere I go, I always want to be able to say - “in that place many believed in JESUS.”

What are you living for where GOD has placed you? Are you living for souls at your job? Over the phone? In your family? In the grocery store? In the gym? At school? At college? While you are traveling? At the gas station? In every store? If you are not living for people coming to JESUS, what are you really living for?


Take a moment today to pray and get your focus on JESUS and souls! Take EVERY opportunity to share Good News of JESUS! Now is the time to move forward! Don’t hold back!