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Speak About JESUS – No Matter What  

They were greatly disturbed because the apostles were teaching the people, proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead. Acts 4:2  

A great joy in my life is when I am able to talk to someone about JESUS over the phone. Very often, towards the end of the call, I will ask if I can pray that person and then pray with them a prayer to give his or her life to JESUS! I remember once that I had to call concerning our home internet. By God’s grace, I was able to talk to a very kind gentleman over the phone and he gave his life to Jesus Christ. However, sometimes I will be talking to someone who claims to be from a Christian background, and they say that they can’t pray at their job as they might get in trouble. It grieves my heart. I’ve made up my mind for many years now, it doesn’t matter where I am or who I am with, I’m going to talk about JESUS, sing about JESUS, worship JESUS, lift up the Name of JESUS, everywhere I go! JESUS is my greatest Friend and I want everyone to know HIM!  

If you are a child of GOD, we have not only a privilege, but also a responsibility to talk about JESUS! GOD has gifted you, has called you, and has set you apart for HIS glory and for HIS purposes. This is a season where every believer needs to be fully surrendered to the HOLY SPIRIT and what GOD desires to do in and through his or her life. This is a season for you and me to make a stand and to do what GOD desires for us to do – even if it leads to imprisonment or death. Like the wonderful song of old says, “I have decided to follow JESUS, no turning back, no turning back.”  

Action Point

Make it a point today to mention JESUS in conversations that you have with people. When you send a text, see how you can place the Name of JESUS in the text. When you send an email, see how you can place the Name of JESUS is the email. Then pray that every person that GOD brings into your life today experiences JESUS through you. It’s going to be amazing what JESUS does in and through your life!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #spiritualawakening #revival