Start Each Day In The Right Direction

Let me hear Your loving devotion in the morning, for I have put my trust in You. Psalm 143:8a

Tuesday was such a miraculous day! I had an amazing day with all 3 boys and GOD did the miraculous, as always. We had a lot of errands to get done and stopped by the grocery store. The HOLY SPIRIT put on my heart to talk with a lady in the parking lot. In turned out to be right on time and she gave her life to JESUS! Then, as we were leaving, we got to talk with a man who was working outside. Another miracle - he gave his life to JESUS! JESUS gets all of the praise!

Are you starting each day off right? Are you waking up rejoicing with the HOLY SPIRIT? Or are you full of worry about the needs of the day? Are you resting in JESUS - knowing HE is your Supplier? Or, are you stressed, trying to figure out how you are going to get by?


Start each off receiving GOD’s love for you and meditating on HIS WORD. Learn to hear the voice of the HOLY SPIRIT while you are reading the Bible - and you’ll hear HIS voice more clearly throughout the day! My friend, GOD’s not looking for you to do something in your own strength. JESUS wants you to receive HIS strength - so you can give and bless other people!

Have a great day and God bless you!