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Start Fighting Your Battles The RIGHT Way  

I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken. Psalm 60:1 (NLT)  

Martin Luther was used tremendously by GOD to help bring forth what is known as the Protestant Reformation. He and others were used by GOD to break away from ungodly practices of the Catholic Church and to help multitudes return to the TRUTHS of the Bible. Multitudes are still being impacted and brought into freedom today! There is not doubt that he faced an extremely busy schedule, many challenges, and much persecution. However, it was well worth it! Someone once asked him about his schedule. His statement, “Work, work, from early until late. In fact, I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” He got victories from GOD by waiting before HIM in prayer! All praise to JESUS!  

Are you always trying to “fix” the people around you? Do you feel that you have to always act quickly when facing a challenge? Are you facing a battle in your life now? My friend, if you want to see true and lasting victory in any and every area of your life - it’s very clear that the victory comes from GOD and you can receive that victory through prayer and trust in HIM!  


How much time are you really spending in prayer and reading GOD’s WORD? Prayer is an act of faith in JESUS! It doesn’t make sense to our natural mind to read and understand GOD’s WORD, to pray and to wait patiently before HIM to hear HIS voice. We feel like we need to “do” something or “correct” something. Can I make a suggestion? Value patience and wait to be quick to speak. Pray, pray, pray - then when you have clear direction from The LORD - make a peaceful and wise decision! My friend, our victory is Always in JESUS!  

Have a joyful day! GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain