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Start Singing!!  

Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Psalm 96:1-2  

When is the last time you really sang unto The LORD?

Yesterday, our 3 boys and I went out to pray with someone and to get something to eat. GOD put on my heart to go to a specific restaurant. When we drive, we talk, praise and sometimes Evan practices preaching! It’s important for our boys to see me praising JESUS and to praise JESUS with me! I had planned on praying with maybe 1 person and then leaving. JESUS has better plans. Within about 15 minutes, we prayed with 5 different people to either give their lives to JESUS or for believers to be encouraged. We prayed with 2 ladies who were leaving and then 3 people that worked at the restaurant. Only JESUS can do that and HE gets all of the praise!  

When is the last time you went throughout the day singing to JESUS? When was the last time you sang without a song playing on YouTube or your car or your phone? One of the quickest ways of being encouraged so that you can encourage others - is singing praise unto The LORD!  


No matter what is going on in your life - make a decision to praise The LORD all throughout the day! Take a step back from the business of life and look at the bigger picture. JESUS is in control! JESUS will Always have HIS way! JESUS is alive! Every promise that JESUS has made will be fulfilled! Make a stand! Never compromise! Live boldly! Sing praises unto JESUS!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain