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Start Worshipping - Stop Worrying  

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. Proverbs 21:30  

I remember one time driving down the highway and GOD putting on my heart to pull into a store parking lot. So, I pulled into the parking lot and stopped for a moment. As I looked to my right, there was a lady that JESUS very strongly put on my heart. I got out and told her who I was and that GOD has put her on my heart. She almost immediately began to cry. She was going through one of the most difficult seasons of her life and doesn’t usually stop there. I prayed with her, did my best to encourage her, and she had a radical encounter with JESUS! She was able to rejoice and even sent me a thank you message. All praise and thanks to JESUS!  

Are you worried about the future? Are you stressed about all the sin and challenges throughout the world? Are you worried about what will happen to the economy, you and your family? My friend, these are times when you must hear from JESUS clearly and be doing what GOD has called you to do! While there are difficulties in the world - NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT GOD HAS DETERMINED TO DO!  


If you have heard from The LORD concerning something - do what HE has instructed you to do - no matter what the cost! Pray and spend time with JESUS! Get your instruction from The WORD of GOD and by The HOLY SPIRIT! Nothing has caught GOD by surprise! HIS purposes shall always come to pass! NOTHING can stand against what GOD has determined to do! Rejoice, my friend and encourage someone to put their focus on JESUS and what HE has planned to do!  

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain