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Stop Criticizing - Have Compassion  

being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6  

It’s so important for believers to be careful of what that watch and to whom they listen! It grieves me to see so many people on YouTube and other Platforms criticizing other Ministers and various moves of GOD. So much could fall into the category of gossip - which is sin. And that is a very dangerous place to be because if you are coming against something that JESUS is doing through someone - you are not coming against that person - you are coming against GOD! In the Passage above, it’s important to apply this TRUTH to our own lives. However, it’s also important to know that it is written to encourage believers!  

Are you constantly criticizing others? Or are you encouraging others that may be gifted differently than you have been gifted? Are you constantly trying to find fault in your brothers and sisters? Or are you encouraging others as every person has a unique calling upon his/her life?  


(To be clear) It is very important that we preach and teach against what is false. However, I’m talking believers that believe the Foundational Truths from the WORD of GOD such as The Gospel, Salvation by Grace and through Faith alone, etc. My friend, if you have been overly critical or have been gossiping - quickly repent and embrace GOD’s forgiveness. Pray and think of another believer that you can encourage today to move forward and to do what JESUS has called them to do! Let’s work together for JESUS and souls - loving one another - and doing what GOD has called us to do!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!!

Evangelist Tyler Sain