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Stop Enduring Ministry - Start Enjoying Ministry  

Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4  

Yesterday, we had our 1st Pre-Launch Church Service. It was such a blessing to have friends and family join us, encounter JESUS, and enjoy the presence of The LORD with us! By GOD’s grace, it was such a powerful time. On Friday, when I was in the Community, I had the opportunity to pray with multiple people who were touched by JESUS! There was a dad and a little girl that touched me so much! To pray with them and to see JESUS touch them was such a blessing to see! There is so much joy when we are in fellowship with JESUS and living for the souls of people! It is truly a delight in my heart!  

Have you been hurt in Ministry? Have you gotten tired of doing Ministry? Where are you finding your joy? What brings joy to your heart? My friend, JESUS desires to fellowship with you and desires to work through you to touch people! When our delight is in JESUS and following HIM, the desires that HE placed in our hearts will be fulfilled!  


Stop, relax and pray today. Meditate on the TRUTH that JESUS loves you, cares for you, and wants you to enjoy what HE is doing in and through your life! Now, focus today on enjoying GOD’s presence, thinking about the WORD of GOD, and being a blessing to someone around you! Don’t just endure the Ministry - enjoy the Ministry - as JESUS is working through you! Give a big shout of praise to JESUS today and do what GOD has called you to do!  

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain